Reading. Task 1. Read the text and answer the
Hi, my name is Leo, I like to meet with
my friends and go somewhere. On Tuesdays we
go to the cinema, because the tickets are cheaper
that days. On Friday I go to Art school with my
friend Laura, there are very creative teachers
and classes, it's cool. On Tuesday I go to the
supermarket with my mum, I hate it, because
there are a lot of people, but I should help to my
mum. I like school, there are my friends, we
have fun during breaks and after school, when
we go home. We have zoo in our town, there are
80 different kinds of animals. When dad has
vacation, we go there. Next to my house is post
office, I see hundreds of people there everyday,
I thought that it old type of communication, but
no. Also we have music shop, I like it, my dad
too, sometimes we go there together and buy
1) Where does he go with friends on
2) Who is Laura and what classes do they
3) What place does Leo hate?
4) When can he go to the zoo with his dad
and how many kinds of animals are
5) What is near his house?​

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Ответ дал: EnKate


1. He goes with friends to the cinema.

2. Laura is Leo's friend. They go to art school together.

3. Leo hates to go to the supermarket.

4. He goes to the zoo with his dad when dad has vacation. There are 80 different kinds of animals in the zoo.

5. Post office is near his house.


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