"food and drink"
Task 2. Match the beginnings and the endings of the sentences.
1. What would you say
2. If you had to give up one kind of food,
3. If i lived in Japan,
4. I might be healthier
5. Would you eat kangaroo meat
6. I wouldn't eat crocodile meat

a. i could eat sushi every day.
b. if a friend offered you some burned fi sh for dinner?
c. if i were a vegetarian.
d. if someone cooked it for you?
e. unless I was really, really hungry.
f. what would it be?​


Ответ дал: tokyoghouul

1.what would you say if a friend offered you some burned fish for a dinner?

2.if you have to give up one kind of food, what would it be?

3.if i lived in Japan, i could eat sushi every day

4.i might be healthier if i were a vegetarian

5. would you eat kangaroo meat if someone cooked it for you?

6. i wouldn't eat crocodile meat unless i was really, really hungry

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