Task3. Write down about 4 healthy habits
you know:
Introduction: what healthy habits you know
and what the most important are
Main body:
is good for
Conclusion: give your own opinion why
healthy habits are important in a human life.​


Ответ дал: victoriyakim94
I’m gonna to tell you about 4 healthy habits
the first one is drink a glass of water before eating , it’s health because It is the intake of a glass of water in the morning that starts and clears the digestive system from mucus, gives energy to the body. If you start your digestive system ahead of time, breakfast is good for you. Therefore, it is recommended to drink a glass of water 30-40 minutes before the first meal.
the second one is a contrast shower . A contrast shower helps to improve metabolism and maintain skin elasticity. In addition, no one canceled the obvious benefits of hardening.
the third one is a airing the room before bed. It is believed that sleeping in a cool room is beneficial. And the last one is a jog in the mornings. Such training has a beneficial effect on the psyche. They tone up the muscles. Jogging immediately after a night's rest relieves drowsiness and energizes before the work day. Morning jogging puts less stress on the spine than evening jogging.

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