Put the verbs in brackets into Past Indefinite, Continuous or Perfect. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. He (to do) his lessons by five o'clock and at five he (to play) football in the yard.
2. Gerry (to be) at home when you (to arrive)? – No, he (to go) to school.
3. My parents (to come) home by seven o'clock and at seven we (to have) dinner.
4. His father (to look) tired as he (to work) hard before.
5. By eight o'clock I (to learn) a poem and at eight o'clock I (to watch) TV.
6. When he (to see) me, I (to read) the newspaper which I (to buy) in the street.
7. Beth just (to go) home when somebody (to phone) her.
8. When Alison (to enter) the house she (to see) that her son (to play) with a ball which she (to buy) in the shop.
9. They (to arrive) to the theatre late. The play already (to begin).
10. When David (to enter) the kitchen, he (to see) that his cat (to eat).
11. Jenny (to tell) her mother that she (to water) the flowers.
12. We (to want) to know which way they (to choose).


Ответ дал: dimithras


  1. had done, was playing / Он сделал уроки к 5 часам и в 5 он играл в футбол в саду.
  2. was, arrived, went / Герри был дома когда ты приехал(а)? - Нет, он был в школе.
  3. had come, were having / Мои пришли домой к семи часам и в семь мы ужинали.
  4. looked, was working / Его отец выглядел подусталым, т.к. он много работал ранее.
  5. had learned, was watching / К 8 я выучу стихотворение и в 8 я буду смотреть телек.
  6. saw, was reading, had bought / Когда она меня увидела, я читал газетёнку которую я купил на улице.
  7. was going, phoned / Беф направлялась домой когда кто-то позвонил ей.
  8. entered, saw, playing, had bought / Когда Элисон вошла в дом она увидел, что её сын играет в мяч, который она купила ранее в магазине.
  9. arrived, had already begun / Они прибыли в кинотеатр поздно. Пьеса уже началась.
  10. entered, saw, was eating / Когда Давид вошёл на кухню, он увидел как есть котяра.
  11. told, had watered / Дженни сказала матери, что она полила цветы.
  12. wanted, had chosen / Мы хотели узнать какую дорогу они избрали.

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