Срочно пожалуйста
Надо вставить правильно слова что бы проучились предложения



Ответ дал: timka123kzn

A. They are scanning important document

B. He is uploading some photos.

C. She is entering her contact details.

D. They are downloading song from the internet.

E. She is posting a comment on Facebook

F. She deleting her photos from tablet

lianakostina: Спасибо
timka123kzn: я забыл после She в F добавить is
timka123kzn: sorry
Ответ дал: Ваглин
1.They are scanning an important document
2.He is uploading some photos
3.She is entering her contact details
4.They are downloading a song from the internet
5.She is posting a comment on Facebook
6.She is deleting her photos from tablet
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