Помогите пожалуйста
Complete the dialogue using the correct
question words and verbs.
Olivia: Hi Zoe. "How are you?
Zoe: Fine, but I'm busy. I'm doing some work.
Olivia: But we're on holiday! 1. ...…....... you working?
Zoe: Because I want to post a new blog entry.
Olivia: 2. ................. you write your blog?
Zoe: Every day if I can
Olivia: I came back from London yesterday.
Zoe:3. ............ you doing there?
Olivia: I was visiting my friend Erica. She took me
to some cool places,
Zoe: 4. ........... she take you?
Olivia: To the zoo, Madame Tussaud's, some
great clothes shops...
Zoe: Wow! That sounds great!
5. .............. you visiting us again?
Olivia: I'm not sure. We've got visitors next week.
Zoe: Really? 6. ............. coming?
Olivia: My cousin. Why don't you come to my
house? Then we can all hang out together.
Zoe: Great. See you soon.​


Ответ дал: zinkindanil6



1 Are

2 do

3 What are

4  where did

5 will

6 who is

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