3 Translate the words in brackets from Ukrainian into English to complete the sentences.

1 Whose sunglasses are these? (Вони твої) ____________________________ or Paul’s?

2 He felt so happy that he started singing (сам собі) ____________________________.

3 The people in the photo (мабуть не) ____________________________ interested in the show. They look rather bored.

4 The test (складається з) ____________________________ 50 questions, all of the True/False type.

5 This room here on the left is mine while (та кімната належить моєму братові) ____________________________.

6 I’m playing tennis with him (о 17.00) ____________________________.

7 I’m afraid that (я не можу з Вами погодитись) ____________________________. My opinion is completely different.
8 When we were children, I often (був змушений сидіти з) ____________________________ my younger sister when my parents were out.


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. Are they yours or Paul's?

2. ......by himself

3 may not be.....

4 ....consists of.....

5 ....that room belongs to my brother.

6 .....at 17.00

7 ...I can't agree with you.

8 ......had to sit with......

Из слова нужно просто вставить в пропуски

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