Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct forms of the given words.Then choose the correct options to answer these questions.
1) Which animal is {fast} in the world? Нужно выбрать кто(rabbit,cheetah,rhino)
2) Who was one of {good} rock singers in the world?(Freddie Mercury,Michael Jackson, Justin Bieber)
3)Which transport is{dangerous} than two others?(motorbike, bike, car)
4)Which building is{many} than 400 years {old} than two offers?(Statue of Liberty,Eiffel Tower,Moscow Kremlin)
5)Who is one of {great} basketball players in the world?(Cristiano Ronaldo,Michael Jordan,Usain Bolt)
6) Which is the most expensive car?(Mercedes, BMW,Bugatti)


Ответ дал: Аноним


1. {The fastest}, Cheetah

2. {The best}, Freddie Mercury

3. {More dangerous}, motorbike.

4. {More}, {older}, Moscow Kremlin

5. {The greatest}, Michael Jordan

6. Bugatti


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