Make questions in the Present Continuous. Then write short answers.
1. Hannah / go / on holiday / soon / ?
A: ____________________________.
B: Yes, ______________.
2. you / play / football / on Saturday / ?
A: ______________________________.
B: No, ___________________.
3. Mike and Sue / leave / next week / ?
A: _____________________________.
B: No, ___________________.
4. you / have / dinner with Jo / tonight / ?
A: _____________________________.
B: Yes, ___________________.


Ответ дал: masha27519
1. A: Is Hannah going on holiday soon?
B: Yes, she is.

2. A: Are you playing football on Saturday?
B: No, I am not.

3. A: Are Mike and Sue leaving next week?
B: No, they aren’t .

4. A: Are you having dinner with Joe tonight?
B: Yes, I am.
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