Task 2. Write the correct form of the adjective for each sentence.
1. These trousers are
(comfortable) than those jeans.
2. We like wearing the
(late) fashion.
3. Today has been
day of the year. (hot)
4. English is
Japanese. (easy)
5. This is
book I've ever read. (good)
6. Todd has a
computer than I do. (new)
7. This lemonade is
........than any soda pop. (tasty)
8. The dining room was
than we thought it would be. (elegant)


Ответ дал: nikkkkk0l

1. These trousers are MORE COMFORTABLE than those jeans.
2. We like wearing the
LATEST fashion.
3. Today has been THE HOTTEST
day of the year.
4. English is EASIER THAN
5. This is THE BEST
book I've ever read.
6. Todd has a NEWER
computer than I do.
7. This lemonade is TASTIER than any soda pop.
8. The dining room was MORE ELEGANT
than we thought it would be.

Alina5638: спасибо
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