Read the text and put the verbs in brackets into the Present Simple or the Present Continuous.
Welcome to the London Zoo! Meet the monkeys! They don't live in cages. Look how funny they are! Look how they ... (jump) over the bushes. Look at those two little monkeys. They ... (play) hide and seek.
Monkeys ... (love) bananas and oranges. They ... (need) to eat lots of different fruit and vegetables to stay healthy. Look at the monkey in the tree! It ... (eat) a carrot. And it ... (have) some corn in the other hand. Here the zoo-keeper ... (come) with red apples in a bowl . The monkey...(want) an apple . Look! It  ...(climb) down the tree and ...(run) quickly tj the zoo-keeper .The monkey ... (choose) an apple from the bowl-the biggest and the tastiest one, of course!


Ответ дал: Сабина050702
1.jump-are jumping
2.are playing
4.need eating
6.has coming
8.Wants climbing....running choosing
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