Task 2. Use the correct form of wilW Or going to
1.My friend is travelling to the airport. She ll /'s going to catch a plane.
2.1 think in the future we woni't travel by plane. We 're going to /ltravel by spaceship.
3.Its cold in here I am going to/ 11 close the window
4.They booked their summer holiday last week They will / re going to stay with their uncle.
5.ts a secret: "OK. Iwonit/ 'm not going to tell anyone


Ответ дал: HellishHelen


1.My friend is travelling to the airport. She's going to catch a plane.

2.I think in the future we won't travel by plane. We'll travel by spaceship.

3.Its cold in here I'll close the window

4.They booked their summer holiday last week They're going to stay with their uncle.

5.ts a secret: "OK. I won't tell anyone

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