6 Choose the best words to complete the text,
Last summer!!.... two weeks at a summer
camp in
the United States. Summer camps are very? there,
and a lot of teenagers ...go on one every year. It
was my first time, and I thought it was 4.15
in a cabin with four other kids my age. It was
7... comfortable. 18.... my computer and a camera
with me, and sent photos back to my parents. We 9
every day doing lots of fun activities, and I was sad to
come home because it was a really 10.... holiday.
1 a) spent
b) took
2 a) perfect b) popular
3 a) usually
b) surprisingly
4 a) popular b) amazing
5 a) stayed
b) spent
6 a) little
b) perfect
7 a) traditionally b) surprisingly
8 a) took
b) stayed
9 a) spent
b) took
10 a) special b) luxury​


Ответ дал: Totoroto22222



Можно лайк и звёздочки?!


iaidar18: это точно верно ?
yasmina22062010: а где 1 и 2
iaidar18: это все правильно мне учительница поставила 5
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