Writing. Task 1. Complete the sentences with the verb to be 1. Andrew going to phone me tonight. 2.1 going to study Maths. 3. You going to buy a new mobile phone. 4. My mum going to help me. 5. What you going to wear to the party? 6. She going to to take her camera on holiday. 7. Cristina and Robin going to be famous film stars.


Ответ дал: artempashkov08

Ответ: 1)Andrew is going to phone me tonight. 2)I am going to study Maths. 3)You are going to buy a new mobile phone. 4. My mum is going to help me. 5. What are you going to wear to the party? 6. She is going to to take her camera on holiday. 7. Cristina and Robin are going to be famous film stars.


Мы используем is, когда говорим о местоимениях he, she, it. или если слово можно заменить на it. пример (Book is... = It is)

мы приравниваем книгу к слову это. aм  пишем когда говорим про себя ( мест. I)

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