Ex. 29. Open the brackets, use Future or Present Indefinite.
1. We (to begin) as soon as Tom (to be) ready. 2. I (stay) here until it (to get)
warmer. 3. Mother (to bring) us cakes when she (to go) out. 4. If he (to have) time he
to come) to see us. 5. Don't leave until I (to send) you a message. 6. She (to be) very
appy if you (to take) her to the theatre. 7. We (to go) swimming as soon as school
o be) over. 8. She (to be) a good actress if she (to work) hard. 9. I (to open the door
hen father (to ring). 10. I (to see) him again if he (not-to come) today. 11. I (to no-
y) you as soon as I (to hear) from her.12. He (to come) every day to help you with
ur work while I (to be) away.​


Ответ дал: ulzhanalsherova

1)to be


3)to go

4)to have

5)to sendey

6)to take

7)to go

8)to work

9)to ring

10)to see

11)to hear

12)to come

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