III. Insert the prepositions of, by, in, to into these sentences(3 points)
1. The park named after Franko is near the Central Post Office and the square
-front ... the park is occupied ....... the solemn building .... .... the National
University (former Parliament Galicia).
2. ... 1086 the settlement was called Mamecester.
3. The main rivers ..... Great Britain are the Thames and the Severn.
4. Two islands are separated........ the Atlantic Ocean.
5. Due ... the influence... ....the Gulf Stream the UK has a warm and mild
6. Northern Ireland lies ...... to the west.​


Ответ дал: alionkacutie


1 - of, by, ?

2 - in

3 - of

4 - by

5 to, of

6 ?

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