make sentences without changing the world order .
1 The first McDonald's restaurant / open / Maurice and Richard   McDonald / 1949.
 2 Coca-Cola / invent / Dr John Pemberton/ 1886.
 3 Television /  invent / Philo  Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin / the 1920s .
4 The first successful flight / make / the Wright brothers / 1903.
 5 The first chewing gum / make / William Wrigley / 1892  


Ответ дал: nunny
1 The first McDonald's restaurant was opened by Maurice and Richard McDonald in 1949.
 2 Coca-Cola was invented by Dr John Pemberton in 1886.
3  Television was invented by Philo Farnsworth and Vladimir Zworykin in the 1920s.
4 The first successful flight was made by the Wright brothers in 1903.
 5  The first chewing gum was made by William Wrigley in 1892 

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