1. She was
to walk. a) too tired
b) enough tired c) tired enough
2. He isn't...
to lift that box. a) enough strong b) strong enough c) too strong
3. The boy was to solve the problem. a) enough clever b) clever Enough c) too clever
4. We are not ... to buy a car. a) enough rich b) rich enough
c) too rich
5. His behavior was ...... for me to tolerate. a) enough impudent b) impudent enough c) too impudent
6. She has become to wear her old pair of jeans.
a) too fat
b) fat enough c) enough fat
7. Was he ....... to listen to her? a) too foolish b) foolish enough
c) enough foolish
8. This is
to be true. a) too good b) good enough c) enough good​


Ответ дал: aarmanabdimalik

1. too tired

2. strong enough

3. clever enough

4. rich enough

5. too impudent

6. fat enough

7. too foolish

8. too good

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