b Complete the conversations with a verb from the list.
close go improve learn stay tell rain
A Do I look OK for my interview?
B Not really! You need to clean your shoes.
2 A Can you drive?
B No, but I'm planning______ to
this year.
3 A Why did you talk to Sophie about this?
B Don't worry, she's promised not to______
4 A Are you going to go to evening classes?
B Yes, I want to_________
my French.
5 A Did you remember to_______the window?
B I'm not sure. I think so.
6 A What's the weather like where
B Not very nice. It's starting to________
7 A What's Helen going to do when she leaves school?
B She's hoping to_________
to university
8 A Have your parents moved house yet?
B No, they've decided to______
where they are.
помагите даю ЛУЧШИЙ ОТВЕТ​


Ответ дал: funeoneone33
2) A: Can you drive?
B: No, but I'm planning to to this year.
3) A: Why did you talk to Sophie about this?
B: Don’t worry, she’s promised not to anybody.
4) A: Are you going to go to evening classes?
B: Yes, I want to my French.
5) A: Did you remember to the window?
B: I’m not sure. I think so.
6) A: What’s the weather like where you are?
B: Not very nice. It’s starting to
7) A: What’s Helen going to do when she leaves school?
B: She’s hoping to to a university
8) A: Have your parents moved house yet?
B: No, they’ve decided to where they are.

funeoneone33: ответы не напечатались, извиняюсь, вот:
2) правильнее будет: No, but I’m planning to learn this year
3) Don't worry, she’s promised not to tell anybody
4) I want to improve my French
5) Did you remember to close the window
6) It’s starting to rain
7) She’s hoping to go to a university
8) No, they’ve decided to stay where they are
funeoneone33: если что-то непонятно, спрашивай, и ещё хотела спросить, не подскажешь как отвечать на вопросы жирным шрифтом, иногда хочу выделить слово например, а не знаю как в этом приложении, сейчас попробовала на твоём вопросе и слова не напечатались, буду благодарна:)
omarovsanjik005: ты на втарой не ответил
omarovsanjik005: верху есть словы
omarovsanjik005: нужен поставить в тот вапрос
omarovsanjik005: ты ваще не ответил никакой вапрос
omarovsanjik005: ты бан
omarovsanjik005: я отзыв буду отправлять
funeoneone33: я извинилась и ответила в комментариях, в чем проблема?
omarovsanjik005: аа ок
Вас заинтересует