твір про мій улюблений фільм на англійський мові{15 речень} ​


Ответ дал: council1975


       The movie I like the most is called Avatar. The film was shot in 2010 and it is full of computer animation and visual effects which make the film so bright and colourful.

        The most interesting thing about the movie is the acting of the main characters. There were lots of Hollywood stars acting in it like Sam Worthington, Stephen Lang, Sigourney Weaver, and others. Their performance was excellent I remembered a lot of the tragic and teachable scenes that affected my view of the world and my relation to the people surrounding me.

        The story told by the film is also extremely intriguing. It shows how humanity may behave if it gets the power to subdue other nations living far away in the Galaxy. I would say that in a way the film teaches us some lessons and also gives us some warnings regarding our relationships with aliens in the future. Some people think that the story told by the film is too fantastic but I don't think so. In my opinion, we have already had all the necessary equipment to get to the nearest stars, and the problem of communication with aliens living on different planets will definitely arise. And in this case "Avatar" can be seen as a manual for actions that we don't have to take under any circumstances!

      In general, I think that the film has won so much popularity because of all the aspects I had told above. Needless to say, that the number of computer specialists, graphic designers, and programmers made a dazzling job to make the movie so popular. The nature of a different planet with aliens populating it was presented in a spectacular way. All in all, the movie was perfectly scripted, had good acting and the plot made plenty of sense. That's why I strongly recommend it for watching for all people interested both in scientific research and relationships between humans and aliens.


dsmrachun: А скільки тут речень
council1975: порахуйте
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