помогите срочноооооооо! ​



Ответ дал: SBars


Exercise 1

1 enjoyed

2 arrived

3 travelled

4 explored

5 photographed

6 wanted

7 walked

8 stopped

9 waited

10 stayed

11 watched

12 returned

Exercise 2

1 studied

2 stopped

3 started

4 watched

5 sailed

6 invented

7 married

8 crossed

Exercise 3

2 This morning, I listened to music.

3 Last weekend, I played basketball.

4 Ten years ago, we lived there.

5 Yesterday morning, she arrived early.

6 Last month, it rained every day.

7 Last summer, I travelled alone.

Exercise 5

1 I started school six years ago.

2 We trained for six months for this competition.

3 I chatted to my cousins in Italy last night.

4 We planned our holiday this morning.

5 I watched a great DVD yesterday afternoon.

6 My parents both studied maths.

7 My uncle moved to Canada last summer.

8 The bus stopped in front of the town hall.


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