Complete these sentences with an appropriate comparative or superlative form of the adjectives in brackets. Make any additions you need.


1 Who is ______ member of your family?(intelligent)

2 Is Paris ______ New York?(cheap)

3 She isn`t _____ she looks.(old)

4 In my country, football is ______ basketball.(popular)

5 Mary is  ______ her brothers and sisters.(quiet)

6 I think it`s _____ restaurant in town.(bad)

7 Which of the comics is ____? Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse?(funny)

8 From here, i think Edinburg is _____ Glasgow.(far) 


Большое Спасибо тому кто  поможет!


Ответ дал: ХыХ

1 Who is the most intelligent member of your family?(intelligent)

2 Is Paris cheaper than New York?(cheap)

3 She isn`t as old as she looks.(old)

4 In my country, football is more popular than basketball.(popular)

5 Mary is quieter than her brothers and sisters.(quiet)

6 I think it`s the worst restaurant in town.(bad)

7 Which of the comics is the funniest? Bugs Bunny or Mickey Mouse?(funny)

8 From here, i think Edinburg is further than Glasgow.(far)

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