Переведите, используя корректное английское местоимение.

1.     We are both vegetarians. (Никто) _______ of us eats meat.

2.     They’ve sent me only two of the five books I ordered, (другие) _______ haven’t come yet.

3.     Very (мало) _______shops can offer such a variety of services as this one.

4.     (Ни одна) _______ of these photos were familiar to me.

5.      (Каждый) _______of them was dressed up for the occasion.

6.     Have you been offered (какую-нибудь другую) _______ job?

7.     Please, keep (другой) _______ end of the rope tight.

8.     (Никто) _______of you need to worry about my problems.

9.     I enjoyed (каждую) _______ minute of my stay in London.

10. As there was (очень мало) _______ time left, he outlined his plan I in brief.

11. We only spent (несколько) _______ days in London, on the first day we visited a museum but on (остальные) _______ days we just I strolled around.

12. Fortunately, I had (немного) _______ time to spare.

13. This holiday was different from (других) _______ we had spent before.

14. I have (очень мало) _______interest in what he is doing,

15. Would you mind lending me (немного) _______ money?

16. (Всё) _______is clear now, thank you.

17. There isn’t (много) _______ time left — we must leave at once.

18. She never stops looking at (себя) _______in the mirror.

19. Why not repair the house (сами) _______?

20. It’s strange, but Andy doesn’t like (ни одной) _______ of the school activities at all.


Ответ дал: dashkaromashka10


1. Nobody

2. others

3. few

4. none

5. everyone

6. any other

7. other

8. nobody

9. every minute

10. very little

11. a few

12. others

13. a little

14. others

15. very little

16. a little

17. everything

18. much

19. herself

20. yourself

21. any

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