1. Some children ___________ to the teacher. (to listen)

2. My manager___________ to me. (to talk)

3. The boy ___________ on his geography book. (to draw)

4. The customer___________ the promotion. (to look at)

5. I ___________ the movie. (to watch)

6. The students ___________ during the lesson. (to dream)

7. We___________their offer. (to consider)

8. It ___________ today. (to rain)

9. She ___________ to the conference. (to go)

10. They ___________ their time. (to take)


Ответ дал: Goha8288


1 listen

2 talks

3 draws

4 looks at

5 watch

6 dream

7 consider

8 rains

9 goes

10 take

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