Complete the sentences with somebody, something, somewhere, anybody, anything and anywhere.

2) Do you want_____________ from the supermarket?
3) Where’s Aijan? – She’s_____________ in Austria.
4) The lights are off. There isn’t_____________ in the house.

Аноним: 2) some teabag


Ответ дал: Lifesaver2001


2)Do you want anything/something from the supermarket?

3)Where is Aijan? She is somewhere in Austria.

4)The lights are off.There isn't anybody in the house.


2)In this, both are fine, anything is more formal, for a guest, but something is informal.

zvagin85828: здравствуйте можете ли вы мне помочь с Английским языком
esmuhanramazan7: Здравствуйте помогите пожалуйста с заданием даю 60 баллов, Hello, please help me with the task, I give you 60 points!
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