Task 1. Complete the sentences using Present Continuous Tense
1. I (to write) an exercise now._______________________________________
2. They (to play) in the room now?____________________________________
3. He (not/ to sleep) now. _____________________________________
4. The children (not / to eat) soup now.__________________________________
5. He (to help) his mother now?_______________________________________
6. Look! Kate (to dance) now._________________________________________

пж очень срочно надоо!!!
40 балов

KRISTINA05125: Task 2. Writing. Write answers to the questions
1/ What is your favourite sport?
2/ What equipment do you need?
3/ Why do you enjoy it?
4/who is you favourite sportsmen? _____________________________________________________


Ответ дал: Nelia2019

1. I am writing an exercise now.

2. Are they playing in the room now?

3. He is not sleeping now.  

4. The children are not eating soup now.

5. Is he helping his mother now?

6. Look! Kate is dancing now.

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karpachekirill: (а)
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