дам 10 баллов и лучший ответ это соч​



Ответ дал: iPolly22
I see that boys are fly a kite, they play and have fun. I think the kids in the picture like flying a kite. it's a lot of fun, they laugh and enjoy this wonderful game. I saw in the picture four children and four kites. Unfortunately I don’t know how to make a kite, but in the future I want to learn!

iPolly22: Надеюсь помогла)
aihanshazhamin: Спасибо
Ответ дал: Svemmach



1.In the picture you can see running children.

2.Yes, children like flying kite because because they run it.

3. In the picture there are 4 children and 4 flying kites.

4. No, I don`t know.

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