The volcanic ..... was caught on film.

A explosion C eruption B epicentre D meltdown

The earthquake ..... off the coast of Thailand.

A struck C hit B slammed D flew

The roof of the town hall ..... during the earthquake.

A smashed C crumbled B collapsed D crashed

The ..... services rushed to the car accident.

A recovery C survival B emergency D relief

Supermarkets always have ….. displays to make you buy things.

A tricky C tempting B sneaky D intentional

Sweets are in the ….. next to the dairy products.

A aisle B booth C line D checkout

Can you give me some dietary ….. to help me lose weight?

A advice C awareness B values D strategy

Try and ….. an effort to be a responsible shopper.

A make B do C have D give

The homeless man was dressed in ..... clothes.

A puffy B scruffy C messy D frizzy

Greenpeace tries to ..... awareness of environmental issues.

A promote B lift C expand D raise

We can use power from the sun to ..... electricity.

A construct C generate B conserve D build

You should try bungee jumping for a(n) .....adventure.

A eye-opening C hair-raising B nerve-wracking D sharp-toothed

This is such a ..... novel; I can’t put it down.

A gripping C life-changing B fast-paced D surprising

The horror film was so .....; I had guessed the ending.

A original C realistic B mysterious D predictable

Scientists are ..... experiments to bring dinosaurs back to life.

A making C conducting B trying D causing

Jack ..... angrily at her and then left the room.

A glared B glimpsed C peered D peeped

The misbehaving student was ..... from school.

A dropped C released B suspended D kicked

Brian’s determination comes from his .....strength.

A mental B physical C inner D body

He often leaves notes on his fridge to .....himself to do things!

A recall C remember B remind D memorise

Tom is a real ..... to the team.

A asset C requirement B resource D service

Helen doesn’t have the ..... to try extreme sports.

A courage C patience B determination D pride

Jane is not a very ..... person because she can’t keep a secret.

A eager C efficient B trustworthy D organised

Jill is a total drama queen. She ..... everything!

A processes C contributes B overcompensates D exaggerates

Carol is often complaining. She’s a bit of a ........!

A chatterbox C whiner B scatterbrain D steamroller

A know-it-all takes great ..... in proving other people wrong.

A interest C care B triumph D delight

MaryFairy211: это точно задание для 5-9 классов? ;)
justvanyok: Емае
elenle86: скажите пожалуйста срочно.это тест по 6 модулю старлайт 8 класс английский??????
pff77: у нас это была Годовая контрольная, значит по всем модулям
elenle86: а есть по 6 только в тесте ?
pff77: мы только пятый прошли, поэтому не знаю(


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

The volcanic ..... was caught on film.

    C eruption  

The earthquake ..... off the coast of Thailand.

  A struck  

The roof of the town hall ..... during the earthquake.

 B collapsed  

The ..... services rushed to the car accident.

    B emergency  

Supermarkets always have ….. displays to make you buy things.

     C tempting  

Sweets are in the ….. next to the dairy products.

    A aisle  

Can you give me some dietary ….. to help me lose weight?

   A advice

Try and ….. an effort to be a responsible shopper.

     A make

The homeless man was dressed in ..... clothes.

      B scruffy  

Greenpeace tries to ..... awareness of environmental issues.

  D raise

We can use power from the sun to ..... electricity.

 C generate  

You should try bungee jumping for a(n) .....adventure.

    B nerve-wracking  

This is such a ..... novel; I can’t put it down.

      A gripping

The horror film was so .....; I had guessed the ending.

   D predictable

Scientists are ..... experiments to bring dinosaurs back to life.

 C conducting  

Jack ..... angrily at her and then left the room.

     A glared  

The misbehaving student was ..... from school.

 B suspended  

Brian’s determination comes from his .....strength.

C inner

He often leaves notes on his fridge to .....himself to do things!

 B remind  

Tom is a real ..... to the team.

    A asset

Helen doesn’t have the ..... to try extreme sports.

    A courage  

Jane is not a very ..... person because she can’t keep a secret.

 B trustworthy  

Jill is a total drama queen. She ..... everything!

   D exaggerates

Carol is often complaining. She’s a bit of a ........!

C whiner  

A know-it-all takes great ..... in proving other people wrong.

D delight

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