Write 8 sentences on your summer holidays. Use Future simple
Tense in your sentences.​


Ответ дал: sassoskt


my summer will be the best. I will ride a bike, swim in the river with friends. also, my mother said that for a month I will go to the village to see my grandmother. I love being there. and especially going to the forest. I'll pick mushrooms, and then we'll make soup out of them. I'm really looking forward to summer!

Ответ дал: inspektorolga


I like summer holidays. When summer holidays are coming it's time to rest. We will go to the sea. There we will play volleyball. Also I will help my parents in the garden. We will grow many apples. Also i will go to a fotball game. When autumn will be came, I will miss my summer holidays.


Я люблю летние каникулы. Когда наступают летние каникулы, приходит время отдыхать. Мы поедем на море. Там мы сыграем в волейбол. Еще я буду помогать родителям в саду. Мы вырастим много яблок. Также я буду ходить на футбол. Когда наступит осень, я буду скучать по каникулам.

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