eye chin skin ears hair
fingers eyebrows
1. You are all … when you are very interested in
hearing about something.
2. To see something with the naked ['nerkid]
means to see it without an instrument.
3. You raise your … if you are surprised or shocked.
4. To keep someone's … crossed means to wish luck
and hope for a good result.
5. You pull or tear [tee] your … out when you feel very worried about something because you do no know what to do about it.
6. People who have a thick … don't care when someone criticises them while people who have a thin
are easily hurt by someone's words.
7. When you keep your … up, you stay cheerful in
a difficult or unpleasant situation​


Ответ дал: djag71angela


1. ears

2. eye

3. eyebrows

4. fingers

5. hair

6. skin

7. chin


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