Choose one of the prompts from the list to say what you would do in each of the situations below. order a pizza, complain to the manager, light some candles, go to hospital, call the police, stay in bed 1 You see someone robbing a bank. If I saw someone robbing a bank, I would call the police. shop assistant is rude to you. 3 You fall over and break your arm. 4 You burn your dinner. 5 There is a power cut in your house. 6 You catch a bad cold. ​


Ответ дал: valeriaprahina248

Ответ: if a shop assistant was rude to me I would complaint to the manager

If I fell over and broke my leg I would go to the hospital

If I burned my dinner I would order a pizza

If there was a power cut in my house I would light up some candles

If I caught a bad cold I would stay in bed


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