Open the brackets using conditionals.
1. Ifyou (not/broke)
promise, I would probably have forgiven
you. 2. If I (be)
you, I would help
your mother. 3. If I had a toothache, I
a dentist. 4. I
wish you (not/talk)
loudly. It's not polite. 5. If everyone
some drink with
them, you won't be so thirsty. 6. If Tom
hadn't worked so hard last year, he (fail)
at the exam.
Это Соч, помогите пожалуйста​


Ответ дал: evastopoverthinking


1. If you hadn't broken the promise, I would probably have forgiven you.

2. If I were you, I would help your mother

3. If I had a toothache, I would contact a dentist.

4. I wish you didn't talk loudly. It's not polite.

5. If everyone brings some drink with them, you won't be so thirsty.

6. If Tom hadn't worked so hard last year, he would have failed at the exam.



cobachnic1998: это точно правильно?
zlubyanaya67: это правильно?
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