Fill in the correct question tag.
28 It isn’t very cold today, ?
29 He likes expensive cars, ?
30 She won’t leave, ?
31 London is beautiful, ?
32 They weren’t at the party, ?
33 The plane took off, ?
34 He didn’t drive here, ?
35 They aren’t happy, ?
36 She doesn’t work here, ?
37 I’m not late, ?
Можно быстрее ​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

28 is it

29 doesn't he

30 will she

31 isn't it

32 were they

33 didn't it

34 did he

35 are they

36 does she

37 am I?

1234567ase: помогите,пожалуйста
akmulaevasaijmira: это правильно
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