Task 1

Преобразуйте, если необходимо данные слова, так чтобы они грамматически соответствовали содержанию текста:

The complex had been constructed of gray stone in fi ts and starts during the course of almost a century, so the ____1_______ wings were of slightly different ________2______ design. Having been to the hospital on a number of occasions, Laura knew where she was going, which was _____3________. Laura’s friend had left for her an envelope with ______4__________ to go fi rst to admitting to get a hospital card. The fi nal line in the note said that Laura should go __________5______ to the cafeteria when she was fi nished. Obtaining the hospital card took more time than the ___6__________ test. She had to wait in line to see one of the customer-service _________7__________. Still, it took only fi fteen minutes, and she was soon on her way up to the laboratory. Her friend’s _____8_________ were clear, and Laura found the laboratory without ___________9______.










Task 2

Выберите правильный вариант ответа (A,B,C)

1. She said she ………….away the following weekend.

A was going to be B had been C will be

2. Tom Barney, …..father is a famous writer, is in the same class as me.

A which B who C whose

3. Emma’s friend lives very close to her, so she always goes to her house … foot.

A by B on C with

4. Joanna is upset because her parents didn't let her ……on an excursion with her friends.

A to go B go C going

5. If I had known you were coming, I …. something for dinner.

A would have cooked B would cook C had cooked

6. Tom's starting ……at his new job is 30,000 Euros a year.

A salary B debt C wage

7. Peter feels very strongly …..protecting wildlife that is under threat.

A about B for C of

8. This time next week, we …….on a tropical beach.

A are lying B will be lying C will lie


Ответ дал: Wulfyk


Task 1:

1 - Various

2 - Architecture

3 - Helpful

4 - Instruction

5 - Directly

6 - Blood

7 - Representatives

8 - Directions

9 - Difficulty

Task 2:

1 - Was going to be

2 - Who

3 - On

4 - Go

5 - Would have cooked

6 - Salary

7 - About

8 - Will be lying


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