Task 3. Use of English.
Complete the question tags.
1. My sister is a very good dentist,....?
2. They are not writing now,.....?
3. You will cross the street at the green light,......?
4. Olga won't come,....?

Put the verbs in brackets in the -ing form or to-infinitive.
5. Would you mind ... (give) me your notebooks?
6. I want .......(go) to the cinema tonight.
7. I'd love....(join) the school sport club.
8. She hates.....(write) emails.

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Ответ дал: goldfish71p2x3jw


1. isn't she   2 are they   3. won't you    4. will she   5. giving   6. to go   7. to join   8. writing


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