Task 3. Use of English.

Write sentences with “be going to”(for plans and intentions) or “will”(for predictions).

        1.The  sun ______tomorrow(rise).

        2.I ________you tomorrow ,if you like (help).

        3.I _________to the cinema with my friends next weekend.(go).

        4.Do  you think Brazil ______the World Cup?(win).

        5.I______ my parents today (to visit).


Ответ дал: rufnat22


1.will be going to rise

2.I will be going to help

3.i will going to go

4.will going to win

5.I will going to visit

abbasovauldooz: мне писать например The sun going to rise?
Irufnat44: Yes ,запомните раз и навсегда почетные грамотеи и другие кроме, новичков хорошистоникогда неошибаются!
Irufnat44: Yes-Да.
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