ПЖ помогите дам 80 баллов!!! II.Open the brackets and put the verbs in the right form. (Past Simple, Past Perfect or Past Continuous)
1. While mother (cook), father (read) a newspaper.
2. I (get) up at 6 o’clock, (take) a shower, (have) breakfast and (go) to work.
3. When we (open) the door, the lesson (begin) and the teacher (explain) the new rule to the students.
4. My parents (graduate) from university 15 years ago.

III.Open the brackets and use the verbs in the Future Continuous Tense.
1. When you come to my place I (help) mother to clean our flat.
2. My friend (not/ watch) a movie at this time tomorrow: he will be busy.
3. I know where Mary will be at 5 o’clock tomorrow – she (prepare) for her exam at the library.
4. What you (do) tomorrow afternoon at about 6 o’clock?
5. Come at 7: we (have) dinner and you will be able to join us.


Ответ дал: Nayffde


While mother cooked, father was reading a newspaper


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