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Topic. Our Neighbourhood

she looked at the man he was walking the sidewalk not know this was stranger not this live in this she was her car she was home she the man she in rear-view mirror stopped walking on the sidewalk he walked up her weighbor's driveway car was the walked up the driver's walked back to sidewalk what he was doing she wondered then she realized what he was doing he was testing the driver's door he was testing it to see if it was locked she called the police .​

fazeleyn228: Тебе текст перевести
Аноним: Нет, мне надо ответ.
fazeleyn228: Ты сфоткай так легче будет
Аноним: пожалуйста помогите, молю вас


Ответ дал: zohidahikmatullayeva


She looked at the man. He walked along the sidewalk and did not know it. It was unfamiliar, not in this life. In this life, she was her car, she was at home. She was human. She stopped walking on the sidewalk. The rearview mirror went over to the driver. He returned to the sidewalk, which he does. She thought, and then realized what he was doing: he checked the driver's door. Checked if it is blocked. She called the police.


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