Task 3
Passive voice (Present & Past simple)
Make sentences in passive voice using the tenses in brackets. Add words where necessary
1)Great motorcycles - make – Japan (PRESENT SIMPLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________.
2)The Gothic cathedral – build – 10th century. (PAST SIMPLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________.
3)Many languages – speak – in the EU (PRESENT SIMPLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________.
4)After the accident – Harry – take – to a doctor (PAST SIMPLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________.
5)The cat – call – Sissy (PRESENT SIMPLE) __________________________________________________________________________________________.​


Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1 . Great motorcycles are made in Japan.

2. The Gothic Cathedral was built in the 10th century.

3. Many languages are spoken in the EU.

4. After the accident Harry was taken to a doctor.

5. The cat is called Sissy.

Ответ дал: Mus1c1an


1) Great motorcycles are usually made in Japan.

2) The Gothic cathedral was built in 10th century.

3) Many languages are usually spoken in the EU.

4) After the accident Harry was took to a doctor.

5) The cat is called Sissy.


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