a Make sentences with these words.
1 running / go / sometimes / Sundays / on
I sometimes go running on Sundays.
2 do/ a week / normally / or twice / We/
once / yoga
3 months /l/ every / go to / once / six /
the dentist
4 is/ on /home/Sundays / Alexander /
generally / at
5 of weeks / every / goes / diving/Carly /
6 are / in January / always / parents / My!
on holiday
7 1/two / an art gallery /times/go to /
or three / a year
8 volleyball / play / occasionally / at /We/
the weekend
9 a year / my /l/ or twice / grandparents/
once / see


Ответ дал: sweetie34
1)I sometimes go running on Sundays
2)We normally do yoga once or twice a week
3)I go to the dentist once six months
4)Alexander is generally at home on Sundays
5)Carly goes driving every couples of weeks
6)My parents are always on holiday in January
7) I go to an art gallery two or three times a year
8)We occasionally play volleyball at the weekend
9)I see my grandparents once or twice a year
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