тема спорт по английски треба переказать 5 речень помогите


Ответ дал: katrin9364
1)Hey! what is your favorite sport? my basketball!
2) football is a very popular sport.
3) girls prefer dancing 47% more than boys!
4) sales of football balls increased by 80%!
5) sport - Physical exercises to strengthen the body, as well as the system of organizing and conducting competitions in various areas of physical culture.
Ответ дал: veronikaodnoralova3

Ответ:если нужно придумать то вот:

Объяснение:Sport is important part of our life. There are a lot of kinds of sport like: football, tennis, soccer, basketball...

Many people like it so much and devote their life to it.

Actually, I do sports every day. I don't have so much time for it but I try not to forget about doing exercises and playing active games.

If you want to be healthy- do sports every day.

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