Пожалуйста, помогите! 

Откройте скобки. Используйте Present Continuous, Present Indefinite и Present Perfect.

1. Kate has a clean bandage on her left leg. (She / to burn it / recently / to place / under a cold tap / to put a clean bandage on it / ).

2. Mike is in shoke now. (We / to wrap a jacket around him / to give him a warm drink / ).

3. Dan has broken his hand. (As usually / he / not to move it / and / to keep it still / we / to send for an ambulance /  ).

Пожалуйста, помогите!

Nell2002: hahah


Ответ дал: nunny
1. Kate has a clean bandage on her left leg. She has burnt it recently. And then she placed under a cold water tap and put a clean bandage on it .
2. Mike is in shock now. We have wrapped a jacket around him and given him a warm drink.
3. Dan has broken his hand. As usual, he cannot move it and he has to keep it still. We have sent for an ambulance.
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