11 There’s a huge statue ….of the park. A opposite B next C in front

12 Walk …. the bridge and turn right. A into B over C through

13 Tom speaks French really …. . A best B good C well

14 Can I have ….. oranges, please? A a few B too many C a little

15 My uncle is a pilot. He …. to wear a uniform. A has B can C must

16 This is …. house. A Jack and Sue B Jack’s and Sue C Jack and Sue’s

17 The mall is closed; we …. go shopping today. A mustn’t B aren’t C can’t

18 Steve …. play chess this afternoon. A goes B is going to C go

19 We miss you. Send …. an email soon. A me B us C it

20 The people of Pompeii...public baths and running water. A had B was C could​


Ответ дал: lasushin123

11 c

12 b

13 c

14 a

15 a

16 c

17 c

18 b

19 b

20 a

Ответ дал: kirill04101985

11) С

12) B

13) В

14) А

15) С

16) С

17) С

18) В

19 В

20) С



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