Writing 9g
A Pros & Cons essay
LKEN Read the essay and complete the table.
We all the levelling to different plapis but she best means sa transpori? To many
Deonlelre serepant is then frisk dicio:
There are certain advantares lo travelling o plane. Firstly, he latest seans of transport
fanes are ideal it you want to try to another benthy In a la naurs. Also Travelling by
olane sociala Yourantax read a book, listen to music or play your favourite games
On the other hand there are dramas In Travelling by maline. First of all, is quite
BUDETÍVE Ticines and a lot of money Secondly, it is not environmentally frlendly. Planes
cause a lot of pollution terms of the large amount of lözell fuels the consume
To sum up, there we arguments both for and against travelling by plane,
Although planes are last they are most suitable
for long distances For sharter journeys it 15
balloon99 a lori o transpunt that is cheaper and
falses less pollution
Justifications Examples
Look at the linkers in bold in the text. Which of them:
• list points
• conclude
• introduce an opposing opinion
Writing id por conta ay)
1 Read the statements 1-4. Which are pros/cons of travelling
by bus? In groups, think of justifications/examples
1 Al is a cheap way to travel 4 It's an environmentally friendly
2 They can be bring.
means of transport
3 They can be crowded
Use ideas from Ex. 3 to write an essay
about the pros and cons of travelling by bus (60-80 words). Follow​


Ответ дал: beluga5670
Pros:planes are ideal if you want to travel to another country in a few hours. Also traveling by plane is comfortable. You can relax, read a book, listen to music or play your favourite games.
Cons: on the other hand, there are drawback to travelling by aeroplane. First of all, it's quite expensive. Tickets cost a lot of money. Secondly, it is not environmentally friendly. Planes cause a lot of pollution because of the large amount of fossil fuels they consume.
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