75 баллов, помогите прошу с эссе на тему dieting



Ответ дал: Emmie0418
Diets have become a part of mainstream culture. Almost every person has tried at least one. However, it is a known fact that Americans today weigh more than before. Why is it that when more people than ever are trying to monitor their food intake, that the weight of Americans is still increasing? The explanation for this contradiction is that diets, especially those which promise a big weight loss in a short amount of time do not work. When one goes from eating in an unhealthy manner to only consuming healthy foods and having smaller portions, it is simply unsustainable. Often a diet, especially a fad diet, will only work when users follow a strict plan in which they have to deprive themselves. A more realistic approach lies in making small …show more content…
While some diets may work at first, users almost always end up backsliding and gaining the weight they just lost. Often, people diet with the goal of losing weight, but in the long run, only a slight percentage manages to keep the pounds off, making diets ineffective. Not only is a different method needed, but also a different goal. All in all skinny does not equal healthy.
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