We (1) (go). to the cinema once a week, at weekends. Our dad usually (2) (book) tickets online. We (3) (come) to the cinema about ten minutes before the film (4) (start) We usually (5) (take) our seats and (6) (enjoy) the film.Last week I (7) (have) a fight at school and (8) (get) a bad mark in History. While I (9) (walk) home, it (10)(start) raining. I(11) (run) but the next moment I (12) (lie) in a puddle. My new schoolbag (13) (be) in the dirty water, too. So we (14) (not / go) to the cinema last weekend.I(15) (feel) terrible. Now it (16) (be) Monday. I(17) (sit) at my desk and (18) (do) my History homework. I (19) (do) (already / read) three pages about Rome. I hope I (20) (get) a good mark this week and we (21) (go) to the cinema at the next weekend.​


Ответ дал: LikaLite
1. We like to go
2. books tickets
3. We came
4. started
5. take
6. enjoy
7. I had
8. got
9. While I had been walking
10. it started
11. I run
12. I lied
13. was
14.did’n go
15. feel
16. it’s
17. am sitting
18. doing
19. I have already read
20. I will get
21. we will go
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