Fill in the correct question tag.

Camels live in the desert, …

Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, …

Gorillas are amazing animals, …

It can’t be true, …

Ben has called his dad, …

John already went to the pond, …

Some species of tigers are endangered, …

8.     My brothers live in London, ______________?

9.     Her father isn’t a doctor, ______________?

10.  I have got a parrot, _____________?

11.  We went to the sea last summer, _______________?

12.   The children are watching TV, ______________?

13.  I can’t fly, _______________?

14.  Paulina is a very attractive girl, ______________?

15.  We are happy together, _______________?

16.  My friends visited me in the hospital, ___________?

17.   Jim hasn’t a modern car, ______________?


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. Camels live in the desert, don't they?

2. Sarah didn’t collect the cans and newspapers, did she?

3. Gorillas are amazing animals, aren't they?

4. It can’t be true, can it?

5. Ben has called his dad, hasn't he?

6. John already went to the pond, didn't he?

7. Some species of tigers are endangered, aren't they?

8. My brothers live in London, don't they?

9. Her father isn’t a doctor, is he?

10.  I have got a parrot, haven't I?

11.  We went to the sea last summer, didn't we?

12.   The children are watching TV, aren't they?

13.  I can’t fly, can I?

14.  Paulina is a very attractive girl, isn't she?

15.  We are happy together, aren't we?

16.  My friends visited me in the hospital, didn't they?

17.   Jim hasn’t a modern car, has he?

MaryFairy211: в 17, возможно, пропущено слово got (Jim hasn’t got a modern car, has he?)
mishaburnaikin: угу
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