1. Match the words with their definitions:
L an achievement:
a) a person who watches a show or a game;
2. a contest
b) an event in which people compete against each other for a
3. a participant:
c) a person who admires or supports sb/sth very strongly,
4. a spectator:
5. mountaineering
d) a thing done successfully, especially with effort & skill;
e) a person who takes part in sth;
6. gliding
1) the activity of climbing mountains;
7. yachting
g) the sport of fighting with swords;
8. fencing
9. an opponent:
h) a person who is against another person in a game, a fight,
a struggle or an argument;
10.a fan
i) the activity of sailing in yachts for pleasure or as a sport;
j) the sport of flying in gliders​


Ответ дал: MaryFairy211

1. an achievement: d) a thing done successfully, especially with effort & skill;

2. a contest: b) an event in which people compete against each other for a


3. a participant: e) a person who takes part in sth;

4. a spectator: a) a person who watches a show or a game;

5. mountaineering: f) the activity of climbing mountains;

6. gliding: j) the sport of flying in gliders​;

7. yachting: i) the activity of sailing in yachts for pleasure or as a sport;

8. fencing: g) the sport of fighting with swords;

9. an opponent: h) a person who is against another person in a game, a fight, a struggle or an argument;

10.a fan: c) a person who admires or supports sb/sth very strongly.

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