Помогите пожалуйста это очень срочно
16. Where is Lucy? – She … (go) to the shops.
a) goes b) have gone c) has gone
17. My brother and I … (not like) to read fairy tales.
a) don’t like c) didn’t like c) doesn’t like
18. Last night we … (watch) a film while Tim … (play) with Bob.
a) was watching/ played b) were watching/was playing
19.We’re tired. We … (work) in the garden for two hours.
a) have been working b) have worked c) worked
20. … the professor (speak) two foreign languages?
a) did…speak b) does…speaks c) does ….speak


Ответ дал: hdjdjdjjdjdjdj67


16 c) has gone

17 a) don’t like

18 b) were watching/was playing

19 a) have been working

20 c) does ….speak


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