Задание 2

Впишите There's / There’re.

1. _________ some sandwiches in the fridge.

2. _________ a biscuit on the plate.

3. _________ some jam on the table.

4. _________ some cornflakes in the cupboard.

5. _________ some sugar in the glass.

6. _________ two cups of tea on the table.


Ответ дал: Fingerxxa

1) There're

2) There's

3) There's

4) There're

5) There's

6) There're

Fingerxxa: М, ну и где у меня ошибка?
Artem5D: помоги написать сочинение
Ответ дал: slyuda1955

1. There're.......

2. There's.....

3. There's....

4. There're.....

5. There's....

6. There're.....

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